Bitdefender free antivirus
Bitdefender free antivirus

bitdefender free antivirus
bitdefender free antivirus

Kaspersky's antivirus prowess awes the independent testing labs, who routinely assign it perfect or near-perfect ratings. Kaspersky Security Cloud Free isn't just a free antivirus-it's a stripped-down version of Kaspersky's top-tier cross-platform security suite. Some take the fight to the browser, working hard to ensure you never even browse to a malware-hosting site, or get fooled into turning over your credentials to a phishing site. All the antivirus programs in this collection offer real-time malware protection.

bitdefender free antivirus

Your antivirus should certainly have the ability to root out existing malware, but its ongoing task is to prevent ransomware, botnets, Trojans, and other types of nasty programs from getting a foothold.


Norton Antivirus Plus - was £34.99 for the first year, now £14.99 for the first year (£5 off).Norton 360 Standard - was £64.99 for the first year, now £19.99 for the first year (£45 off).And since they’re free, you lose nothing by trying several before making a final decision. Some free products beat out all but the best commercial antivirus utilities. And since the core technology is the same, paid or free, you get high-quality protection at no cost.


They make money when those customers recommend the paid version for use at work, or upgrade to a full security suite. Many security companies have built their success on widespread distribution of a free product to consumers. Surprisingly, free antivirus protection doesn’t truly fit that model. You’ve heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” That is to say, if you get something for free, you’re paying for it somewhere else.


Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.That, and common sense such as not visiting shady sites, along with uBlock Origin, are more than enough to secure your system for free. But if you feel your system is slow, try switching to a different antivirus or use Windows Defender. If you’re happy with the AV you pay for, that’s cool. I have been using Windows Defender for about 2 and a half years since ditching Kaspersky Free Antivirus, so I can’t tell if other antivirus programs can offer the lightweight, no frills experience that Defender provides.

bitdefender free antivirus

This sort of marketing aids in drawing non-tech-savvy buyers. Add to that the fact they promote these antivirus suites can fix your computer and make them faster, and display some random stats/graph in a dashboard that can be fixed by using these premium products. These features were added for one reason, to trick users into believing their computer will be insecure without said protection options, to create a false sense of security, if you will. None of these are required to protect the system from malware threat.


These AVs added stuff like registry cleaner, internet booster, driver updater, system tuner, VPN, browser cleaner, browser extensions, file recovery software, news feeds, password manager, etc. So, what did these antivirus companies do? They became bloated, they offered more features. Microsoft have set the bar so high, I think other antivirus software can’t compete with Defender. Windows Defender is included in Windows by default, and is completely free to use, which means they have a market share right out of the box on new computers and fresh installs. What the company needed to focus on was the scanning and detection capabilities, and I believe they have done a great job. Microsoft can integrate its antivirus into its operating system, and optimize it better than third-party programs can. Q: Is Microsoft driving other developers out of the market?

Bitdefender free antivirus